domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Songs with examples of comparatives

Comparatives in Songs!

English Lessons: SUPERLATIVES QUIZ (superlative form)

Songs with Superlatives

Comparatives & Superlatives in Songs

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)

Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)

Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)
You know the bed feels ______________
Sleeping here ________________
You know I dream in _____________
And do the things I _____________
You think you got the _____________ of me
You think you had the last _____________
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me _____________ down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead ___________

Missing Words
want wrong
best alone
color laugh
warmer broken

( ) Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone
( ) Stand a little taller
( ) What doesn't kill you makes you a fighter
( ) Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
( ) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
( ) Footsteps even lighter
( ) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
( ) Stand a little taller
( ) Just me, myself and I
( ) Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
( ) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger.

You heard that I was starting over with someone new
They told you I was moving on, and ONLY/OVER you
You didn't think that I'd COME/GO back
You try to break me but you'll see

Thanks to you I got a new ___________ started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken hearted
Thanks to you I'm _____________ thinking 'bout me
You know in the end
The day you left was just my ________________
In the ______________...
Missing Words
 end thing 
beginning finally



Comparatives & Superlatives in Songs

Comparatives & Superlatives in Songs

Comparatives & Superlatives in Songs

Songs with Superlatives

Comparatives and superlatives | Johnny Grammar | Learn English | British...

Comparatives and Superlatives. Notes.

Click on the link and take notes.
Then do the rest of the activities.

Comparatives in songs

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

Amazing jobs 3

Gabriela´s son has got an amazing job. He is an extreme tour guide. He works for an American hotel chain. He is now in the North Pole, managing a luxury hotel.
In the photo he is showing some guests to their igloos. Next summer, he is travelling to Africa to design a trekking route across the Kalahari.   

Valentín´s sister- in –law……….   

Amazing jobs 2


Who is she/he?
Gabriela´s son
Valentín´s sister in law

What is her/his name?
Raj- Ma-Tula

What is her/his job ?
Extreme tour guide
Elephant tamer

Where is she/he?
In the North Pole
In India

What is she/he doing?
He´s managing a hotel
She´s teaching elephants to lift heavy objects

What is she/he doing in the photo?
He´s showing some guests to their igloos
She is feeding a baby elephant

What is she/he doing next week/month/year?
He´s designing a trekking rout through the Kalahari
She is coming to Vigo to train the elephants in the zoo.

Amazing Jobs

Work in groups of three. 
1. Choose the jobs and the people.
2. Complete the chart.
3. Write about them.Type the text. 
4. Find and save the pictures in a file.
5. Create  a PPT. 

Hay información atractiva e interesante sobre los  oficio y las persona que atiende  a todas las preguntas :
Who is she/he?
What is her/his name?
What is her/his job ?
Where is she/he?
What is she/he doing?
What is she/he doing in the photo?
What is she/he doing next week/month/year?

Hay información  interesante sobre los  oficio y las persona que atiende  a todas las preguntas :
Who is she/he?
What is her/his name?
What is her/his job ?
Where is she/he?
What is she/he doing?
What is she/he doing in the photo?
What is she/he doing next week/month/year?
Hay información sobre los  oficio y las persona que atiende  a todas las preguntas :
Who is she/he?
What is her/his name?
What is her/his job ?
Where is she/he?
What is she/he doing?
What is she/he doing in the photo?
What is she/he doing next week/month/year?
Hay información  que no  cubre  todas las preguntas

Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra que hacen el texto más atractivo y fácil de seguir y hay  ilustraciones ayudan a comprender el texto..
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones ayudan a comprender el texto...
Usa diferentes tipos o tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones no llevan a confusión.
Usa sólo un tipo y tamaño de letra y las ilustraciones llevan a confusión.

Gramática y vocabulario.
No hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Casi no hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es  adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado no es rico ni adecuado.

Uso del tiempo
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Se ofrece a  ayudar a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea.
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
Está  casi siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
No está  centrada/o en la tarea. No ayuda a las compañeras/os.

Amazing Jobs 1

Amazing Jobs 5