jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

The magic of the Three Wise Men

The magic of the Three Wise Men

Just six days later comes the most magical moment of the year, especially for the little ones. On 6 January they get their presents from the Three Wise Men. In Spain it is Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar who bring Christmas presents to children who have been good during the year. After writing a letter, in which they tell the Kings which presents they would like, the long-awaited day finally arrives. The Wise Men parade through the streets of cities, towns and villages all over Spain in traditional cavalcades. Their camels loaded with presents, they go through the streets handing out sweets, accompanied by their royal pages. Little by little the colourful floats go by, entertaining all the family. Of all these parades, the one in Alcoi, Alicante, is particularly outstanding - it is Spain's oldest. When night falls, children go to bed early to wait for Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar to come in through the window and leave presents in their shoes.



The first special date is 22 December with the draw for the Christmas Lottery - almost everyone in Spain takes part and prizes are celebrated in style out in the streets. The next big days are definitely the most family-oriented and are 24 and 25 DecemberChristmas Eve and Christmas Day. Normally, families get together for dinner and lunch on these two days, and prepare traditional dishes such as lamb and sea bream along with seasonal desserts such as turrón (rich sweet made with almonds), polvorones (crumbly shortbread) and marzipan. You can find these delicious menus at a large number of restaurants and hotels across Spain, and discover the country’s gastronomy in the best way possible. You may also be interested in attending Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, very popular amongst Catholics to commemorate the birth of Jesus.
The most entertaining day comes on 28 December with the Day of the Santos Inocentes, when people play pranks similar to those of April Fools’ Day. For this, the best thing is to buy novelty items at street markets such as the one at Plaza Mayor Square in Madrid. People say goodbye to the year with the New Year’s Evecelebrations on 31 December. To get involved, don’t forget to buy 12 grapes in advance. Why? According to Spanish tradition, everyone has to eat one grape in time with the striking of the clock at midnight. If you manage to eat them all on time, you will have a New Year full of luck. Although the New Year is broadcast on television, you will have an amazing time if you head for the main squares of towns and cities, normally the location of their clock towers. One of the most emblematic places to experience the celebration? Following the clock at Puerta del Sol Square in Madrid. There you will find thousands of people decked out with hats and squawkers joyfully toasting and welcoming in the New Year. Later on you can join one of the many parties held until dawn at hotels, bars and clubs throughout Spain.
To ensure smiles on the children’s faces at Christmas, nothing better than the Three Kings Parade held on 5 January, the day before the feast of the Three Kings. In Spain it is the three Wise Men of the East, Melchoir, Caspar and Balthazar, who bring Christmas presents to children who have been good. Three Kings Parades, with their page-boys, camels and all kinds of weird and wonderful characters, make their way though the streets of villages, towns and cities all over Spain, to then leave gifts and toys at the houses. They are all spectacular, but special mention should be made of the one in Alcoi, in the province of Alicante, one of the oldest in Spain.

Christmas in Spain





martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Starter Unit .Reading p4

1.Read and listen to the forum posting on page 4. Find words and expressions to match the following:

no suele llover
así que
actividades al aire libre
tiempo libre
bastante grande
una vez al trimestre
pasa tiempo
como él
.2. Translate the following words into Spanish:

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016

My Summer Collage.

My friend Ingrid came from Scotland. We had a great time together.We went to Ferrol, Cedeira and San Andrés de Teixido.

I took care of the garden. I planted some beautiful blue flowers around the trees. Now I´ve got  an amazing garden.

I cooked wonderful meals for my friends. Ingrid´s favourite dish is octopus.

I went to the Medieval Festival in Ferrol and I  got a hand tattoo!!

I read lots of interesting books .My favourite  novel was The Winter of Frankie Machine.  I watched a lot of tv series on my computer too.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Contable and Uncountable.A, AN,SoME, ANY


martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Fotoject. Comic maker.



  • Get started

  • Choose a template


  • Add photo

   drag photos

  • Add text

   write text

  • Click on speech bubbles and change the text

  • Click on Clipart

   add clips
   go to embellishment and add more speech bubbles  if you need them.

  • Save to computer



4 3 2
All content is interesting. The story has more than  one  problem and suitable solutions.
Most of the content is interesting. The story has a   problem and  a suitable solution.
 The story has a   problem and a suitable solution.
The story has a  problem and a solution.
Sequencing of Information
Information is organized in a clear, logical way.Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.
Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.One panel is out of place.
Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.Some panels are out of place.
No connectors are used.  There is no clear plan for the organization of information.
Pictures, - Font Choice & Formatting
All pictures are attractive and support the topic of the presentation.
Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content.
A few pictures are not attractive but all support the topic of the presentation.
Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability.
All pictures are attractive but a few do not support the topic of the presentation. Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read.
Several pictures are unattractive AND not related to the content of the presentation. It is very difficult to read the material.

Grammar and vocabulary
It  has no misspellings or   grammatical errors. Uses rich and varied vocabulary

It  has 1-2 misspellings, or grammatical errors.
Uses a moderate variety of vocabulary and descriptors
It  has 3-4  grammatical errors or misspellings. Uses limited vocabulary (minimal variety)
It  has more than 4 grammatical and/or spelling errors. Vocabulary inconsistent with course level
Group shares tasks  all of the time.
Group shares tasks most of the time.
Group shares tasks some of the time.
Group is not effective in sharing tasks.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Reading.Boudicca. Pages 31-37

Boudicca . Pages 31 to 37 .

Match the words and phrases to their meanings.

to surge into                mandar , enviar
to  strike                      golpear
to send                        invadir, atacar (fig)
to destroy                    rogar, pedir
to beg                          morir
to die                           intentar
to hack to pieces         gritar
to try                           cortar en pedazos 
to cry                          destruir
to loot                         matar
to slaughter                saquear 

Put the verbs above in the past tense.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What was the name of the town they attacked in the first place?
  2. What did the Romans do when they learned she was attacking Camulodonum?
  3. Did Boudicca defeat the troops the Romans sent?
  4. What happened to the inhabitants of Camulodinum?
  5. Where did they go after destroying Camulodonum?
  6. What happened there?

Reading.Boudicca, pages 28-31

Boudicca . Pages 28 to 31.

Why were  Roman soldiers so good at fighting? Complete the sentences.
  1. Because they had_________________________________
  2. Because they could move____________________________
  3. Because they could ________________________________ all day
  4. Because they could ________________________________ and they could _________________________in full armour.

Why weren´t they afraid of rebellion? Complete.

  1. Because they thought that they were the best trained_____________________________
  2. Because they thought that the Celts couldn’t stop_________________________________
  3. And because they thought that no one could bring_________________________________

But the Romans were wrong. Boudicca could bring the tribes together. What did she tell the Celtic chieftains to convince them to join her army? Complete.

She told them :
“Take up_________________________and unite against___________________”
“The Romans have __________________ but we have ____________________in our hearts”

martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

Reading .Boudicca. Pages 17 to 27.

BOUDICCA. Pages 17 to 27.

What happened to King Prasutagus?


1.Complete the story:

  • When king Prasutagus died , his wife, Boudicca, tought  ”My daughters are just young girls , so I will be the queen, I will rule the ___________________in the name of ________________.”
  • But the Romans thought” That´s nonsense! A woman cannot  be a strong ________________”“ And her daughters cannot  become ______________”

  • Prasutagus had a secret will. In his will he left Emperor Nero half ________________        and he  left the other half to his daughters.
  • But the Romans wanted ______________________.They attacked_____________________and they beat  and mistreated  Boudicca and her daughters. They didn´t kill them because they thought “They are  poor women, they ____________________against us!” 

  • And that was ____________________________.

2.Answer the following questions:

  1. What did Boudicca seek?
  2. What  did she want for those who harmed her daughters?
  3. And for those who humiliated the Iceni?
  4. What did she want to do?

jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

Endangered Species 2


Hay información fiable e interesante sobre el animal en peligro de extinción que cubre aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat, alimentación y amenazas.
Hay información fiable e  sobre el animal en peligro de extinción que cubre aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat, alimentación y amenazas.
Hay información  sobre el animal en peligro de extinción que cubre aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat, alimentación y amenazas.
Hay información  sobre el animal en peligro de extinción que no  cubre  todos  los aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat, alimentación y amenazas
El texto es original,
El texto es original, aunque hay expresiones tomadas de las páginas web de referencia.
El texto es original, aunque hay expresiones y frases  tomadas de las páginas web de referencia.
El texto es una copia .
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra que hacen el texto más atractivo y fácil de seguir y hay  ilustraciones ayudan a comprender el texto..
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones ayudan a comprender el texto...
Usa diferentes tipos o tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones no llevan a confusión.
Usa sólo un tipo y tamaño de letra y las ilustraciones llevan a confusión.
Gramática y vocabulario.
No hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Casi no hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es  adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado no es rico ni adecuado.
Uso del tiempo
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Se ofrece a  ayudar a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea.
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
Está  casi siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
No está  centrada/o en la tarea. No ayuda a las compañeras/os.

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Reading. Boudicca. Pages 13 to 17.

Pages 13 to17.

1. Complete the following  paragraph.

Boudicca and Prasutagus had______________________. Boudicca was very happy but she was also worried because those were _________________________to live in . She was afraid of other tribes but she was mostly afraid of_____________________.

2. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

  • When Boudicca was born the Romans ruled Britain.
  • The Roman army was the fiercest in Britain.
  • The Celts did not try to resist the Roman invaders.
  • The Iceni allied with the Romans.
  • The Iceni gave the Romans food and slaves.
  • The Romans gave the Iceni weapons and valuable gifts.
  • King  Prasutagus  thought it was a bad agreement .
  • But the Iceni warriors thought that peace was the best plan because only Aterix and Obelix could defeat the Romans.

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Boudicca, la reina guerrera.

Reading. Boudicca . Pages 6 to 12.

Pages 6 and 7 .

1. Find the following words and expressions:

desde  muy pronto
sangrientas batallas
historias de hechos heroicos
eran transmitidas
unos con otros
estaban divididos
de hombres más viejos a hombres más jóvenes

2.       Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
·         There were many different Celtic tribes.
·         All the Celtic tribes were friendly and peaceful.
·         They never fought each other.
·         Boudicca belonged to the Iceni, one of the tribes.
·         Boudicca knew nothing about the Iceni  .
·         The Celts didn´t know how to read or write.
·         Young boys  told stories about  brave deeds and warriors.

Pages  8 and 9
1.       Answer the following questions:
·         What can you see in the picture?
·         Wha are the girls doing?
·         What is the man with the moustache doing?
·         And the people next to the cows, what are they doing?
·         What kind of things did the Iceni make?
·         Did they have to make anything they wanted?

Pages 10 , 11 and 12.
1.       Answer the following questions:
·         Where do most people live?
·         Did they have big houses with many rooms?
·         Where did they eat and sleep?
·         Did Boudicca come from a noble family?
·         Did they have big houses with many rooms?
·         Where did they  sleep?

·         What happened to Boudicca when she was a grown up woman?

Reading . Boudicca . Pages 3 to 5

BOUDICCA by Emma Field and Peter Chesterton

Read  the book in pairs and do the following activities individually.

Page 3 .
1.       Underline the verbs in the past tense . Now match them to the following infinitives:
fight : luchar
roam : vagar , andar libres
be born : nacer

2.       Answer the following questions:
·         What kind of place was Britain  when Boudicca was born?
·        Were  the Britons peaceful people  or were they fierce warriors ?
·         What animals could you find in the forests?
·         Would you like to live in such a place?why? why not?

Pages 4 and 5
1.       Match the following expressions with their meanings:
 were known as                                                todos ellos
them all                                                            habían venido de
brave and proud                                              crecería y llegaría a ser
had come from                                                eran conocidos como
would grow up to be                                       valientes y orgullosos

2.       Complete :
Bouddica was  a  C____________. The C____________ were b___________and p__________ people who came from  d_________________ p______________to live in B____________________.   And B_______________________was one of  the b__________  w____________ of them  all.