domingo, 31 de enero de 2016
- What was Nadine´s grandmother´s name?
- Who was married to Peter?
- Why did they write to the soldiers?
- Who did Sybil write to?
- What did they discover?
- What things did they like?
- When did they meet?
- Were they happy?
jueves, 21 de enero de 2016
Endangered Species 2
Hay información fiable e interesante sobre el animal en peligro de
extinción que cubre aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat,
alimentación y amenazas.
Hay información fiable e sobre el animal en peligro de extinción
que cubre aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat, alimentación y
Hay información sobre el animal en peligro de extinción que cubre
aspectos relativos al aspecto físico, hábitat, alimentación y amenazas.
Hay información sobre el animal en peligro de extinción que no
cubre todos los aspectos relativos al aspecto físico,
hábitat, alimentación y amenazas
El texto es original,
El texto es original, aunque hay expresiones tomadas de las páginas web
de referencia.
El texto es original, aunque hay expresiones y frases tomadas de las páginas web de referencia.
El texto es una copia .
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra que hacen el texto más atractivo
y fácil de seguir y hay ilustraciones ayudan a comprender el texto..
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones ayudan a
comprender el texto...
Usa diferentes tipos o tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones no llevan a
Usa sólo un tipo y tamaño de letra y las ilustraciones llevan a
Gramática y vocabulario.
No hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Casi no hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado
es adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado no es rico ni
Uso del tiempo
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Se ofrece a ayudar a las
compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea.
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando
termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
Está casi siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las
compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
No está centrada/o en la tarea. No ayuda a las compañeras/os.
martes, 19 de enero de 2016
Reading. Boudicca. Pages 13 to 17.
Pages 13
1. Complete
the following paragraph.
and Prasutagus had______________________. Boudicca was very happy but she was also
worried because those were _________________________to live in . She was afraid
of other tribes but she was mostly afraid of_____________________.
2. Are the
following statements true or false? Correct the false statements.
- When Boudicca was born the Romans ruled Britain.
- The Roman army was the fiercest in Britain.
- The Celts did not try to resist the Roman invaders.
- The Iceni allied with the Romans.
- The Iceni gave the Romans food and slaves.
- The Romans gave the Iceni weapons and valuable gifts.
- King Prasutagus thought it was a bad agreement .
- But the Iceni warriors thought that peace was the best plan because only Aterix and Obelix could defeat the Romans.
martes, 12 de enero de 2016
Reading. Boudicca . Pages 6 to 12.
Pages 6 and 7 .
1. Find the following words and expressions:
desde muy pronto
sangrientas batallas
historias de hechos heroicos
eran transmitidas
unos con otros
estaban divididos
de hombres más viejos a hombres más jóvenes
1. Find the following words and expressions:
desde muy pronto
sangrientas batallas
historias de hechos heroicos
eran transmitidas
unos con otros
estaban divididos
de hombres más viejos a hombres más jóvenes
There were many different Celtic tribes.
All the Celtic tribes were friendly and peaceful.
They never fought each other.
Boudicca belonged to the Iceni, one of the
Boudicca knew nothing about the Iceni .
The Celts didn´t know how to read or write.
Young boys told stories about brave deeds and warriors.
Pages 8 and 9
1. Answer the following questions:
What can you see in the picture?
Wha are the girls doing?
What is the man with the moustache doing?
And the people next to the cows, what are they
What kind of things did the Iceni make?
Did they have to make anything they wanted?
Pages 10 , 11 and 12.
1. Answer the following questions:
Where do most people live?
Did they have big houses with many rooms?
Did Boudicca come from a noble family?
Did they have big houses with many rooms?
Where did they sleep?
What happened to Boudicca when she was a grown
up woman?
Reading . Boudicca . Pages 3 to 5
BOUDICCA by Emma Field and Peter Chesterton
Read the book in pairs and do the following
activities individually.
Page 3 .
1. Underline the verbs in the past
tense . Now match them to the following infinitives:
fight : luchar
roam : vagar , andar libres
be born : nacer
2. Answer the following questions:
kind of place was Britain when Boudicca
was born?
· Were
the Britons peaceful people or were they fierce warriors ?
animals could you find in the forests?
you like to live in such a place?why? why not?
Pages 4 and
1. Match the following expressions with
their meanings:
were known as todos ellos
them all habían venido de
brave and proud crecería y llegaría a ser
had come from eran conocidos
would grow up to be valientes
y orgullosos
Complete :
Bouddica was a C____________. The C____________ were
b___________and p__________ people who came from d_________________ p______________to live in
B____________________. And B_______________________was one of the b__________ w____________ of them all.
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