Boudicca .
Pages 31 to 37 .
Match the words and phrases to their meanings.
to surge into mandar , enviar
to strike golpear
to send invadir, atacar (fig)
to destroy rogar, pedir
to beg morir
to die intentar
to hack to pieces gritar
to try cortar en pedazos
to cry destruir
to loot matar
to slaughter saquear
Put the verbs above in the past tense.
Answer the following questions:
- What was the name of the town they attacked in the first place?
- What did the Romans do when they learned she was attacking Camulodonum?
- Did Boudicca defeat the troops the Romans sent?
- What happened to the inhabitants of Camulodinum?
- Where did they go after destroying Camulodonum?
- What happened there?