miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

School Trip to Guimaraes. Telling a Story.

Work in threes. Choose one of your stories nad write a  comic strip about your school trip to Guimaraes.
There should be at least 3 pages with photos or drawings.

School Trip to Guimaraes. Rubric.

All content is interesting. The story has more than  one  problem and suitable solutions.
Most of the content is interesting. The story has a   problem and  a suitable solution.
 The story has more a   problem and a suitable solution.
The story has a   problem and a solution.
Sequencing of Information
Information is organized in a clear, logical way.Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.
Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.One panel is out of place.
Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.Some panels are out of place.
No connectors are used.  There is no clear plan for the organization of information.
All pictures are attractive and support the topic of the presentation.
A few pictures are not attractive but all support the topic of the presentation.
All pictures are attractive but a few do not support the topic of the presentation.
Several pictures are unattractive AND not related to the content of the presentation.
Text - Font Choice & Formatting
Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content.
Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability.
Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read.
 It is very difficult to read the material.
It  has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
It  has 1-2 misspellings, but no grammatical errors.
It  has 1-2 grammatical errors but no misspellings.
It  has more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling errors.
Group shares tasks  all of the time.
Group shares tasks most of the time.
Group shares tasks some of the time.
Group is not effective in sharing tasks.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Peppa Pig. School Trip

Peppa Pig.School Bus Trip.
1.      Watch the video and answer the questions:

  1. What were Peppa and her friends doing at the beginning of the episode?
  2. What were Peppa and her friends doing while the teacher was taking attendance?
  3. What was Madame Gazelle doing?
  4. What did the students answer?
  5. Was Pedro Pony there? Why not? 
  6. Who was the bus driver?
  7. Where were they going?
  8. What did they all have?
  9. Where was Peppa sitting?
  10. What did she want to do?
  11. When could they eat their lunch?
  12. What were Suzy and Peppa doing?
  13. What did Peppa tell Suzy to do?
  14. What happened when the bus arrived at the foot of the mountain? Why ?
  15. What were Peppa and her friends doing when they were at the top of the mountains?
  16. What is the echo?
  17. What happened when they were having a picnic?
  18. Why did the ducks start  to belch?
  19. What were Peppa and her friends doing when they were on their way back home?

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

I Bet My Life

Cathy´s Dream . Chapters 1 to 7


Cathy´s Dreams

Chapter 1  My Dreams
Where does Cathy live?
Where did her parents adopt her from?
What is her hobby?
What does Cathy dream about?
What dream does she remember most vividly?
Chapter 2  The Day after Christmas
Why did her mother start to be worried?
Where did she go the day after Christmas?
Who did she go with?
What was her daydream about?
Chapter 3  The Tsunami
Did the tsunami occur in Cornwall?
What was the people´s reaction when Cathy shouted?
What are tsunamis?
What caused them?
Which countries did the tsunami hit?
What were consequences of the tsunami? 
What was Cathy´s reaction whe she saw the news on tv? 
Do Cathy´s parents believe her?
According to Cathy´s mother, how could she dream about a tsunami that happened so far away?
Chapter 4- The Biology lesson   
What was the biology class about? 
How can identical twins adopted by different families have the same interests and behave identically? 
Can identical twins read each other´s thoughts?
What does Cathy believe?
What did the director of the orphanage tell her mother
Chapter 5  A Trip to Sri Lanka
How did Cathy feel when her mother told her about the trip to Sri Lanka?
Why did they want to go there?
Who was Matau?
What did he tell them about the orphanage?   

Chapter 6  The “Orphanage”
What happened to the children´s orphanage?
What was there instead of the children´s orphanage?
Where were the workers taking the baby elephants?
Cathy saw a group of school children, what did she think about them?
Chapter 7
Could they find the director of the orphanage?
Who was the director?
What was she like?
Did Mrs Numa remember twins at the orphanage? 
Chapter 8
Who took them to the hotel?
Where was the hotel?
What was the landscape like?
Does Cathy like Sri LanKa?
What does Sri Lanka mean?
Why do they speak English in Sri Lanka?
Which place had Cathy seen in her dreams?
Who worked at the hotel?
What was Liyoni Janghiś job?
Matau drove Cathy and her mother to the couple´s house. A woman spoke to Cathy´s mother, did they have any children?
Why does Cathy put her hand on her mum´s arm?
Was that girl her twin sister? 
How did Cathy feel?
Chapter 9
Why was Cathy disappointed? .
What does Cathyś mother think about Sri Lanka?
Where did Matau drive them? .
What was there in Lion's Rock?
Why was Matau surprised?
What else did she see in her dreams?
Why didn't her mother climb to the mountain?
What did she see at the top?
Where did they go after Lionś Rock?
What did they see there?
What did the worker explain to them?
What did her mother want to do after the visit?
Chapter 10
Where did Matau drive them?
Who were outside the hotel?
Was the beach similar to Cornwall beaches?
What did she find in the beach?
What was it like?
What did she remember?
Who did she meet there?
What were they talking about?
When did the tsunami happened?
What did the train hit?
What does the boy give her?
Chapter 11
Where were they?
What did Cathy want to eat?
Who did C. see coming out of the kitchen?
What was she like?
Who else was inside the kitchen?
Were they of Sukeena´s biological or adoptive parents?
When was Sukeena adopted?
What is the explanation for the dream of Lionś Rock?
What happened to Sukeena the day of the tsunami?
Chapter 12
Where does Sukeena spend the rest of the summer? 
Did Sukeena have dreams about Cathyś life?
How did they keep in contact?
What were their plans for the next summer?

What happens with Cathyś dreams?