martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Fotoject. Comic maker.


  • Get started

  • Choose a template


  • Add photo

   drag photos

  • Add text

   write text

  • Click on speech bubbles and change the text

  • Click on Clipart

   add clips
   go to embellishment and add more speech bubbles  if you need them.

  • Save to computer



4 3 2
All content is interesting. The story has more than  one  problem and suitable solutions.
Most of the content is interesting. The story has a   problem and  a suitable solution.
 The story has a   problem and a suitable solution.
The story has a  problem and a solution.
Sequencing of Information
Information is organized in a clear, logical way.Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.
Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.One panel is out of place.
Connectors, such as , at first, suddenly, then ,etc  are used.Some panels are out of place.
No connectors are used.  There is no clear plan for the organization of information.
Pictures, - Font Choice & Formatting
All pictures are attractive and support the topic of the presentation.
Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content.
A few pictures are not attractive but all support the topic of the presentation.
Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability.
All pictures are attractive but a few do not support the topic of the presentation. Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read.
Several pictures are unattractive AND not related to the content of the presentation. It is very difficult to read the material.

Grammar and vocabulary
It  has no misspellings or   grammatical errors. Uses rich and varied vocabulary

It  has 1-2 misspellings, or grammatical errors.
Uses a moderate variety of vocabulary and descriptors
It  has 3-4  grammatical errors or misspellings. Uses limited vocabulary (minimal variety)
It  has more than 4 grammatical and/or spelling errors. Vocabulary inconsistent with course level
Group shares tasks  all of the time.
Group shares tasks most of the time.
Group shares tasks some of the time.
Group is not effective in sharing tasks.