domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

The Legend of the Christmas Spider.

Dear Santa 2

And so this is Christmas ......

Board Game Materials 2

Board Game Materials

Trivia Board Game Rubric

O trivial ten  máis de 40 casiñas de cores . Hai  máis de 40 preguntas. 20 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativos.As preguntas son  interesantes e cobren  polo menos 4 temas distintos.
O trivial ten  polo menos 40 casiñas de cores . Hai polo menos 40 preguntas. 20 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativos.As preguntas son  interesantes e  cobren  polo menos 4 temas distintos.
O trivial ten  polo menos 40 casiñas de cores . Hai polo menos 40 preguntas. 20 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativo As preguntas  cobren  polo menos 4 temas distintos.
O trivial ten  polo menos 40 casiñas de cores . Hai polo menos 40 preguntas. 20 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativo. As preguntas   non cobren 4 temas distintos.
Usa diferentes cores e debuxos .O taboleiro é as tarxetas son  atractivas  e están escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Non hai tachaduras nin defectos de confección.
Usa diferentes cores no  taboleiro é as tarxetas son  atractivas e están escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Non hai tachaduras nin defectos de confección.
Usa diferentes cores.O taboleiro é as tarxetas están  escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Hai pequenas  tachaduras ou  defectos de confección.
Non usa  diferentes cores. As tarxetas están escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Hai tachaduras e defectos de confección.
Gramática e vocabulario.
Non hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado é  rico e  adecuado.
Case non hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado é  rico e  adecuado.
Hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado é    adecuado.
Hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado  non é  adecuado.
Uso do tempo
Está sempre centrada/o na tarefa. Ofrécese a axudar ás compañeiras/os cando remata  a tarefa.
Está sempre centrada/o na tarefa. Axuda ás compañeiras/os cando remata  a tarefa se a profesora llo pide.
Está  case sempre centrada/o na tarefa. Axuda ás compañeiras/os cando remata a tarefa se a profesora llo pide.
Está  pouco centrada/o na tarefa. Non  axuda ás compañeiras/os cando remata a tarefa .

Trivia Game Rubric

O trivial ten  polo menos 58 casiñas . Hai polo menos 60 preguntas. 40 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativos.As preguntas son  interesantes e cobren  polo menos 4 temas distintos.
O trivial ten  polo menos 58 casiñas . Hai polo menos 60 preguntas. 40 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativos.As preguntas  cobren  polo menos 4 temas distintos.
O trivial ten  polo menos 58 casiñas . Hai polo menos 60 preguntas. 30 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativos. As preguntas  cobren  polo menos 4 temas distintos.
O trivial ten  menos de  58 casiñas . Ten menos 58 preguntas . Menos de 30 preguntas conteñen comparativos ou superlativos. As preguntas   non cobren 4 temas distintos.
Usa diferentes cores e debuxos .O taboleiro é as tarxetas son  atractivas  e están escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Non hai tachaduras nin defectos de confección.
Usa diferentes cores no  taboleiro é as tarxetas son  atractivas e están escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Non hai tachaduras nin defectos de confección.
Usa diferentes cores.O taboleiro é as tarxetas están  escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Hai pequenas  tachaduras ou  defectos de confección.
Non usa  diferentes cores. As tarxetas están escritas con letra clara e comprensible. Hai tachaduras e defectos de confección.
Gramática e vocabulario.
Non hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado é  rico e  adecuado.
 Case non hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado é  rico e  adecuado.
Hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado é    adecuado.
Hai erros de gramática . O  vocabulario empregado  non é  adecuado.
Uso do tempo
Está sempre centrada/o na tarefa. Ofrécese a axudar ás compañeiras/os cando remata  a tarefa.
Está sempre centrada/o na tarefa. Axuda ás compañeiras/os cando remata  a tarefa se a profesora llo pide.
Está  case sempre centrada/o na tarefa. Axuda ás compañeiras/os cando remata a tarefa se a profesora llo pide.
Está  pouco centrada/o na tarefa. Non  axuda ás compañeiras/os cando remata a tarefa .

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma, Arizona. His family owned a farm and a local grocery store. Cesar had a happy time growing up with family and relatives around him. His best friend was his brother Richard. His family lived in an adobe home built by his grandfather.
1.    Where was Cesar Chavez born?
2.    What did his family have?
3.    Who was his best friend?
4.    Where did they live?
When Cesar was eleven years old, his father lost the farm. The family didn't know what to do. They moved to California to find work. Cesar's family became migrant workers. They moved from farm to farm in California looking for work. All the family members worked, even Cesar. He worked in all sorts of different fields from grapes to beets. The days were long and the work was very hard.
5.    What happened when Cesar was eleven?
6.    Where did they move to?
7.    Where did they work?
 Cesar didn't go to school much anymore. In just a few short years he had attended thirty-five different schools. The teachers were tough on him. One time when he didn't speak English, a teacher made him wear a sign that read "I am a clown. I speak Spanish". After graduating from the eighth grade, Cesar stopped going to school.
8.    How many schools did he attend?
9.    When did he stop going to school?
The working conditions at the fields for Cesar and his family were horrible. The farmers seldom treated them like people. They had to work long hours with no breaks, there weren't any bathrooms for them, and they didn't have clean water to drink. Anyone who complained was fired.
 10.  What were the working conditions of farm workers?
11.  Did they have a place to wash ?
When Cesar was nineteen he joined the navy, but he left after two years and returned home and he married Helen Fabela in 1948. In 1962, Cesar started a union of migrant farm workers. He formed the National Farm Workers Association. Cesar called the movement for better working conditions "La Causa", or The Cause.
12.  When did he get married?
13.  What did he do in 1962?
One of Cesar's first major actions was to strike against grape farmers. A strike is when workers refuse to work. The strike started in Delano, California. Cesar and sixty-seven workers decided to march to Sacramento, the state capital. It took them several weeks to march the 340 miles. On the way there people joined them. The crowd grew larger and larger until thousands of workers arrived in Sacramento to protest. In the end, the grape growers agreed to many of the worker's conditions and signed a contract with the union. In order to bring attention to his cause Cesar fasted. This is when you don't eat. One time he fasted for 36 days. Many celebrities also fasted with him.
Cesar died in his sleep on April 23, 1993. Over 50,000 people attended his funeral service.
14.  What was one of his major actions?
15.  How many people began the march to Sacramento?
16.  What did he do bring attention to his cause?

Interesting Facts about Cesar Chavez
  • His middle name was Estrada.
  • Cesar was a vegetarian.
  • After moving to California, his family lived in a poor barrio (town) called Sal Si Puedes which means "escape if you can".
  • He and his wife Helen had eight children.
  • His motto was "Si Se Puede", meaning "Yes, it can be done".
Adapted from Ducksters:

17.  What was his middle name?
18.   Where did his family live when they moved to California?
19.  How many children did he have?
20.  What was his motto?

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


The Little Brown Dog 
a Tale from Yorkshire, England

Eva was a very old woman who had no family or friends. She only had her little brown dog, Chester, who went everywhere with her.
Unless it was really cold, when Chester would sleep by the fire, the dog always slept right beside Eva's bed. If Eva was frightened or was having a nightmare, she would put her hand down and Chester would lick it.
One night it was dark and very cold.
Eva put logs on the fire, turned out the lights, and tried to sleep. But she was shivering and couldn't stop thinking about a scary murder she had read about in the newspaper.
She reached down to where Chester slept. Sure enough, a warm wet tongue licked her hand.

As she started to fall asleep, she opened her eyes and looked through the door into the living room. There, in front of the fireplace, was Chester looking right at her. Down beside her bed, something was licking her hand.

1. Who was Eva?
2. What was her dog's name?
3.Where did the dog sleep?
3. What did the dog do when Eva was frightened?
4. What happened one night?
5. What did the dog do?
6.Where was Chester?

Never Mind the Gummy Bears
based on an Alabama ghost story 

Sam didn't believe in ghosts. Not one bit. All her friends knew the old log cabin in the woods was haunted, but Sam just laughed whenever her friends talked about it.

One Halloween, her friends dared her to spend the night in the haunted cabin. If she stayed until morning, her friends would give her all of their Halloween gummy bears. Sam was delighted. Gummy bears were her favorite candies.

Sam went into the old cabin, sat on the floor, and started to read her book. Soon she heard a creaking sound. Looking up, she saw a creature with glowing red eyes, a long tail, and two horns on its head, claws, and sharp teeth that poked right through its large lips.

Sam's heart nearly stopped with fright. She jumped to her feet and ran right out the door. But it wasn't long before she heard the creature with the red eyes behind her.

"You run pretty fast for a girl," said the creature to Sam.

"Oh, I can run much faster than this!" cried Sam.

Sam took off like a bolt of lightning. As she ran past her friends she shouted, "Never mind the gummy bears!"

Sam ran all the way home and hid under her bed for the rest of Halloween night. After that, she was a firm believer in ghosts, and she refused to go anywhere near that old cabin.

  1. Did Sam believe in ghosts?
  2. What did she do when her friends told herabout the haunted cabin?
  3. What did they offrer to give her if she spent the night there?
  4. What did she do?
  5. What did she hear?
  6. What did she see?
  7. What was it like?
  8. How did she react when she saw the ghost?
  9. What did she say when she went past her friends?
  10. Does she belive in ghosts now?

The Halloween Skeleton

The Halloween Skeleton

based on a New Mexico ghost story 

One Halloween night, a boy got lost and had to spend the night in an empty old house. He fell asleep and woke up suddenly when he heard a thump on the roof and a voice calling out, "I'm falling down!" 

The boy ran out of the way just as an arm bone came crashing to the floor. Then another arm landed - then a leg, a skull, and a second leg. Before he could count to ten, a complete skeleton was standing there.

The boy did not want to show his fear. The skeleton was impressed with the boy's spirit and said, "You have courage. Are you brave enough to wrestle me?"

The boy was very afraid, but he dared not refuse this strange ghost. He remembered a trick his brother taught him. He twisted suddenly and threw the skeleton onto the ground.

"You win!" said the skeleton. "Your courage deserves a reward. Open that door in the floor and promise me that you will share the reward that you will find."

The boy agreed to do what the skeleton asked. He opened the door and saw a room filled with gold coins and jewels.

The skeleton laughed, said "Happy Halloween," and then began to disappear, piece by piece, until he was gone.

The boy did as he promised, and his family and many others in his village lived in comfort all of their days.
1. Where was this story first told?
2. Why was the boy in the old empty house?
3. What was the thump that the boy heard on the roof?
4. What helped the boy wrestle the skeleton?
5. Where was the skeleton's treasure?
6. What did the skeleton make the boy promise?

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Scotland . Video Activities 4

Watch again. Correct the summary.
I’m on holiday in England. It’s a fantastic country! Yesterday I bought a Scottish  ag – I like the colours red and white. And I saw a lm with Ewan McGregor and Matt Damon: they’re Scottish actors! Yesterday I was in Edinburgh. It’s a really modern city. Tomorrow I’m going to Glasgow. It’s the largest city in Scotland and about 480,000 people live there. Great! I want to see the countryside and the animals, especially the wolves. I also want to go to the Olympic Games to see a football match and listen to traditional Scottish music. I can’t wait!

Scotland. Video Activities 3

Comprehension check
3 Watch again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 More than four million people live in Scotland.
2 Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
3 The Clyde Auditorium is in Glasgow.
4 The Scots are proud of their food.
5 The bagpipes are popular with everyone.
6 All students learn traditional dancing at school
4 Watch again. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1 People often call Scottish people S _____________
2 There are famous Scottish m________________ too like the singer KT Tunstall.
3 You can visit the famous old castle on the h____________________ .
4 It’s a modern city with a lot of i________________ buildings.
5 L_________________ are usually called ‘lochs’ in Scotland.
6 The Highland Games celebrate traditional Scottish a_______________ .
7 The caber w____________________ a lot!
8 A lot of people e_______________ watching the dancing.

Scotland. Video Activities 2

Comprehension check
1 Watch the DVD. Choose the correct answers.
1 Which colour is not in the Scottish flag?
a) blue b) green c) white
2 What can you do in Glasgow?
a) see the castle b) visit historic buildings c) go shopping
3 What are bagpipes?
a) an instrument b) a dance c) a sport
2 Watch again. Number the things in the order you see them.
Snow Patrol
Scottish dancing
old buildings
Edinburgh Castle

Scotland. Video Activities1

Before watching
Answer the questions.

1 Where is Scotland?
2 What do you know about Scotland?
3 Would you like to go to Scotland?

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Do You Live in a Haunted House?

Answer the following questions and explain to us if you live (or do not live) in a haunted house.

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Haunted Halloween .

Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.

Haunted Houses

Are You a Witch?

Are you a witch? Answer the questions and explain why you think you are( or are not) a witch.

Are You a Werewolf?

Are you a werewolf? Answer the questions and explain why you think you are( or are not) a werewolf.

Adorable Paper Owl Craft

Read and watch the slides and decide if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.Then make two paper owls.

  1. To make the owl you need  a toilet paper Tube, some cupcake liners, some construction paper, some tape, some glue and a marker. TRUE
  2. Cut 1 inch from the end of cardboard,fold in and secure with aluminium foil.
  3. Cut cupcake liner into very small pieces and trim away the flat sections leaving just the ruffles.
  4. Glue the ruffle pieces overlapping each one.
  5. Cut eyes from construction paper,add pupils  and dots with marker.Glue onto cardboard.
  6. Cut and glue beak.
  7. For  the wings cut a cupcake liner in half and glue onto the back.

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Creepy, Crawly Creatures

Read the following blog post by Martha Stewart and answer the questions:

  1. What do you need to make the mice silhouettes?
  2. How many steps does it take to make them?
  3. What do you have to do in step 2?
  4. Where can you place them?
  5. What will they do to people?

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Clothespin Bats

Watch the following video: 

Clothespin Bats

1.Now decide if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.
Squirrels are the only mammals that can fly.
All bats are blind.
Bats helped scientist to develop sonar.
2. And complete the following sentences:
To make these bats you need some construction paper, some c _____________and some g_________ and a little hole puncher for the eyes.
First you make the t____________
Then you trace the figure on a p_____________of p_____________using the template.
Now you have to c_________it out.
Once your bats  are cut you punch out the e_________.
Now you have to apply a little bit of g________to the wings and you glue 2 bats together.

Finally you have to insert a clothes pin and glue it to the bat.
3. Go to your teacher´s desk and get the supplies you need and make 5 clothespin bats.

Spooky, Creepy Lollies.

Read the text , answer the questions and make 5 of each kind. Get the supplies from your teacher´s desk.

  1. What do you need to make the ghosts?
  2. What do you need to make the spiderss?
  3. What do you need to make the Jack o' Lanterns?

Ghosts: This one's a classic. First we collected white plastic shopping bags (and a few tissues for fun), which were each held tight with an opalescent chenille craft wire. Finally, with a black, permanent marker, we added facial features.

 Spiders: We snipped off the top of a black garbage bag, so it's still useful, just smaller and cut the long strip into squares. We learned that arachnids indeed have 8 legs but decided that would be a little excessive for our creepy crawlies. So we took three pieces of black chenille craft wire and snipped them in half which made 6 perfectly sized legs. First we wrapped the 3 wires around the stick once to hold the garbage bag on tightly and finally gave them knees by putting a kink in each leg at the center.

 Jack o' Lanterns: We re-purposed a small stash of orange tissue paper we had saved from a gift. One green chenille craft wire, wrapped around once or twice held it all together nicely. We wound the end(s) around a pen to give it a twisted vine look. Some black triangles for eyes and a happy mouth finished them off.

How to Make Lollipop Ghosts for Halloween

View How to Make Lollipop Ghosts for Halloween on Howcast

Watch the video and answer the following questions.
How many steps does it take to make a lollipop ghost?
What do you need to make it?
What do you use to secure the tissue paper?
What do you use to draw the scary face?
Now go to the teacher´s desk and take the materials you need and make 10 lollipop ghosts.
